But it's getting so [[dark|NewStart]] again.
[[Movement|Darkness7]] off to my right. Or [[behind me]]. [[I can't tell]].
\nAnd that's where they'll [[stay]].
A Game of Impending Revolution
I do not know where I am going, but I continue to [[go]]...
I am [[alone]], yet there are so many [[others|People.]] around me.
Go where I feel [[accepted|Acceptance.]].
Thick. Impenetrable. [[Memories.]]
Is there any way to start over after [[the night]] has come and gone?
<html><span class="time338">3:38 AM</span></html>\n\n[[What?|What]]
The past, like [[the night]] is behind me now. Where am I [[going|go]]?
[[3:06 AM|time306]]
The Night
So, I'll try again as [[the night]] decends.
Uh huh.
We are looking for each other. But it's no use... Still...trying...to...[[move...closer|Darkness7]].
Never to return to [[the night]] again.
Family. Friends. [[Acceptance.]]
I have [[secrets]] (I even [[keep them]] from [[myself]]).
I can see you. But [[I can't touch you|Darkness7]]. Who are you? Am I [[looking for]] you or are you [[looking for]] me?
[[Can]]...[[barely]]...[[move]]...\n\n[[Lake.]] [[People.]] [[Fog.]]
[[3:05 AM|time305]]
[[3:04 AM|time304]]
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I seem to know who [[I am]], but I can never really be sure.
I remember being here before. It feels just like [[the night]].
Acceptance is a myth if you don't [[buy into it]].
Do [[you|Can]] have secrets?
I barely hear anything. But [[I do]].
Stillness. Cool air. [[Water.]]
[[Can]]...[[barely]]...[[move]]...\n\n[[Lake.]] [[People.]] [[Fog.]]
[[Baptized.|buy into it]]
<html><a href="http://samoff.com" target="_blank">Tim Samoff</a></html>