{ (set: $playerHealth to 100) (set: $silver to 10) (set: $gold to 0) (set: $playerAttack to 0) (set: $playerDefend to 0) (set: $fists to 5) (set: $hammer to 10) (set: $axe to 15) (set: $sword to 20) (set: $skin to 20) (set: $shield to 15) (set: $leather to 10) (set: $chain to 5) (set: $noHelp to 0) (set: $returnWeapon to 0) (set: $returnArmor to 0) (set: $returnStart to 0) (set: $returnEast to 0) (set: $returnWest to 0) (set: $playerHUD to 0) (set: $dragon1 to 0) (set: $dragonHUD to 2) (set: $returnDragon1 to 0) (set: $battle to 0) (set: $dragon1Health to 100) (set: $dragon1Attack to 7) (set: $dragon2 to 0) (set: $dragon2Health to 200) (set: $dragon2Attack to 10) (set: $retreat to 0) (set: $moveCloser to 0) (set: $red to (text-color: "red")) (set: $shudder to (text-style: "shudder")) (set: $redShudder to (text-color: "red") + (text-style: "shudder")) (if: $setup is 0) [ <h3>In the middle of nowhere…</h3> <p>You find yourself standing on a dusty road in the middle of nowhere. It is hot. You are thirsty. But otherwise, you are in good health.</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Investigate…</p></div>") [ <p>Directly in front of you is an old man with a long, white beard. He is holding the reins of a mule pulling a rickety wooden wagon. Looking more closely, you see that the man may be even older than he appears, his cracked, leathery face sporting a wry smile that makes guessing his age impossible.</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Approach the old man…</p></div>") [<p>The old man is looking at you expectantly, as if he is waiting for you to say something. Before you can, though, his lips part and he whispers, <span class="textLink">“[[What is your name?->Name…]]”</span></p>] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Walk away…</p></div>") [(set: $noHelp to 1)(goto: "Do not help…")] ] ] (if: $setup is 1) [ ] }{ (display: "HUD") (if: $returnWeapon is 0) [ <h3>Still confused…</h3> <p>The old man awaits a response…</p> <p>You still cannot quite find your voice, your mind still reeling about what is happening. “Er… All right…” Reaching into your pocket, you find that you have $silver silver coins.</p> <h3>Would you like to purchase anything?</h3> ] (if: $returnWeapon is 1) [ <p>“Ah, you are reconsidering. Good…”</p> <h3>Make another choice…</h3> ] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">(if: $silver >= 2)[(link: "Hammer (2 silver)" )[(set: $playerHUD to 1)(set: $silver to $silver - 2)(set: $playerAttack to $hammer)(set: $weapon to "hammer")(goto: "Choose armor…")]] (else:)[<span class="choicePusher">(print: "Hammer (2 silver)")</span>]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">(if: $silver >= 5)[(link: "Axe (5 silver)" )[(set: $playerHUD to 1)(set: $silver to $silver - 5)(set: $playerAttack to $axe)(set: $weapon to "axe")(goto: "Choose armor…")]] (else:)[<span class="choicePusher">(print: "Axe (5 silver)")</span>]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">(if: $silver >= 8)[(link: "Sword (8 silver)" )[(set: $playerHUD to 1)(set: $silver to $silver - 8)(set: $playerAttack to $sword)(set: $weapon to "sword")(goto: "Choose armor…")]] (else:)[<span class="choicePusher">(print: "Sword (8 silver)")</span>]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">(link: "Continue without a weapon…" )[(set: $playerHUD to 1)(set: $playerAttack to $fists)(set: $weapon to "fists")(goto: "Choose armor…")]</p></div> }{ (if: $playerHealth >= 90) [ (set: $playerHealthStatus to "in good health") ] (elseif: $playerHealth >= 65) [ (set: $playerHealthStatus to "feeling uneasy") ] (elseif: $playerHealth >= 40) [ (set: $playerHealthStatus to "in pain") ] (elseif: $playerHealth >= 20) [ (set: $playerHealthStatus to "failing") ] (elseif: $playerHealth >= 10) [ (set: $playerHealthStatus to "declining") ] (else:) [ (set: $playerHealthStatus to "nearly dead") ] (if: $dragon1Health >= 65) [ (set: $dragonHealthStatus to "savagely strong") ] (elseif: $dragon1Health >= 40) [ (set: $dragonHealthStatus to "stable") ] (elseif: $dragon1Health >= 20) [ (set: $dragonHealthStatus to "slowing") ] (elseif: $dragon1Health >= 10) [ (set: $dragonHealthStatus to "oozing blood") ] (else:) [ (set: $dragonHealthStatus to "nearly dead") ] (if: $playerHUD is 0)[<div class="hud_fade"> <div class="col_l"> (if: $playerHealth <= 40 and $playerHealth >= 15)[ <p>$red[You are $playerHealthStatus.]</p>] (elseif: $playerHealth < 20)[ <p>$redShudder[You are $playerHealthStatus.]</p>] (else:)[<p>You are $playerHealthStatus.</p>] <p>(if: $silver > 0 or $gold > 0)[(print: "You have ")](if: $silver is 1 and $gold is 0)[(print: "$silver silver coin.")](elseif: $silver > 1 and $gold is 0)[(print: "$silver silver coins.")](elseif: $silver is 1 and $gold > 0)[(print: "$silver silver coin and ")](elseif: $silver > 1 and $gold > 0)[(print: "$silver silver coins and ")](if: $gold is 1)[(print: "$gold gold coin.")](if: $gold > 1)[(print: "$gold gold coins.")](if: $silver is 0 and $gold is 0)[(print: "Your pockets are empty.")]</p> </div> <div class='col_r_off'> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <br class="clearfix"> </div>](else:)[<div class="hud"> <div class="col_l"> (if: $playerHealth <= 40 and $playerHealth >= 15)[ <p>$red[You are $playerHealthStatus.]</p>] (elseif: $playerHealth < 20)[ <p>$redShudder[You are $playerHealthStatus.]</p>] (else:)[<p>You are $playerHealthStatus.</p>] <p>(if: $silver > 0 or $gold > 0)[(print: "You have ")](if: $silver is 1 and $gold is 0)[(print: "$silver silver coin.")](elseif: $silver > 1 and $gold is 0)[(print: "$silver silver coins.")](elseif: $silver is 1 and $gold > 0)[(print: "$silver silver coin and ")](elseif: $silver > 1 and $gold > 0)[(print: "$silver silver coins and ")](if: $gold is 1)[(print: "$gold gold coin.")](if: $gold > 1)[(print: "$gold gold coins.")](if: $silver is 0 and $gold is 0)[(print: "Your pockets are empty.")]</p> </div> (if: $dragonHUD is 2)[<div class='col_r_off'> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div>] (elseif: $dragonHUD is 0)[<div class='col_r_fade'> (if: $dragon1Health <= 20 and $dragon1Health >= 15)[ <p>$red[The dragon is $dragonHealthStatus.]</p>] (elseif: $dragon1Health < 10)[ <p>$redShudder[The dragon is $dragonHealthStatus.]</p>] (else:)[<p>The dragon is $dragonHealthStatus.</p>] <p>&nbsp;</p> </div>] (else:)[<div class='col_r'> (if: $dragon1Health <= 40 and $dragon1Health >= 15)[ <p>$red[The dragon is $dragonHealthStatus.]</p>] (elseif: $dragon1Health < 15)[ <p>$redShudder[The dragon is $dragonHealthStatus.]</p>] (else:)[<p>The dragon is $dragonHealthStatus.</p>] <p>&nbsp;</p> </div>] <br class="clearfix"> </div>] }{ (set: $returnWeapon to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>Protect yourself…</h3> (if: $returnArmor is 1)[<p>“Good, you will not regret protecting yourself a little.”</p>](else:)[(if: $weapon is "fists")[<p>“Hmmm,” the old man responds. “I am not certain that you are making a wise choice, my friend. I think that you should <span class="textLink"">(link: "reconsider" )[(goto: "Choose weapon…")]</span>. I mean, I did not take you for a fool, but if you are — God help you — you might think about purchasing some protection…”</p>](elseif: $weapon is "hammer")[<p>“Aye,” the old man responds, “frugal is good…I guess. In fact, you may need some of that silver later. Before you leave do you want some protection to go with that $weapon.</p>](elseif: $weapon is "axe")[<p>“Ah, the axe,” the old man responds. Not bad, not bad. And you saved yourself a little silver. Care to purchase anything else?”</p>](elseif: $weapon is "sword")[<p>“Good choice, there,” the old man responds. “But you haven’t saved much of your silver. In any case, I am sorry that the sword has seen so many battles — maybe there is some luck in it for you. Would you care for anything else?”</p>]] <h3>Anything else?</h3> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">(if: $silver >= 2)[(link: "Wooden Shield (2 silver)" )[(set: $silver to $silver - 2)(set: $playerDefend to $shield)(set: $protection to "shield")(goto: "Start quest…")]] (else:)[<span class="choicePusher">(print: "Wooden Shield (2 silver)")</span>]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">(if: $silver >= 5)[(link: "Leather Vest (5 silver)" )[(set: $silver to $silver - 5)(set: $playerDefend to $leather)(set: $protection to "leather")(goto: "Start quest…")]] (else:)[<span class="choicePusher">(print: "Leather Vest (5 silver)")</span>]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">(if: $silver >= 8)[(link: "Chainmail (8 silver)" )[(set: $silver to $silver - 8)(set: $playerDefend to $chain)(set: $protection to "chain")(goto: "Start quest…")]] (else:)[<span class="choicePusher">(print: "Chainmail (8 silver)")</span>]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">(link: "Continue without protection…" )[(set: $playerDefend to $skin)(set: $protection to "none")(goto: "Start quest…")]</p></div> }{ (set: $returnArmor to 1) (display: "HUD") (if: $returnStart is 0) [(if: $protection is "none")[<p>Looking at you standing there without protection of any kind, the old man shakes his head and looks at the ground whispering, “Risky choice, risky choice. Are you sure it is a good decision to begin your adventure without anything to ward off the evil that you may encounter? You might want to <span class="textLink">(link: "think again" )[(goto: "Choose armor…")]</span> Of course, if you want to go on as you are — Heaven’s eyes be upon you — be my guest…”</p>](elseif: $protection is "shield")[<p>“The shield is affordable. It won’t protect you from much, but you did save a few coins, if that is what you were after. Are you ready to begin?”</p>](elseif: $protection is "leather")[<p>“The leather mail is good. Not great, but good — and saves you some coins. Are you ready to begin?”</p>](elseif: $protection is "chain")[<p>“The chain mail is a good choice, but expensive. I think I was able to wash all of the dried blood off of the inside. Are you ready to begin?”</p>] <p>You look at the man dumbfounded. <em>What is the adventure thing all about anyway?</em></p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Look to the left…</p></div>") [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice right'>Look to the right…</p></div>") [ <p>“Well, as you can plainly see,” the old man continues, “you have two directions in which to begin.” With a sly grin, the man asks, “Which way will you proceed?”</p> <h3>It is time to begin the adventure…</h3> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Head east…</p></div>")[(set: $direction to "east")(set: $otherDirection to "west")(goto: "Farewell…")] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Head west…</p></div>")[(set: $direction to "west")(set: $otherDirection to "east")(goto: "Farewell…")] ] ] ] }{ (set: $something to "something") (display: "HUD") <p>Backing further away from the dragon, you happen upon the location where you think that you encountered the old man. In fact, there is a giant pile of mule dung on the ground, flies buzzing around their find.</p> <p><em>Where is he?</em> you ask yourself, looking around you. The dragon paces around the rocky path a ways off to the (print: $direction). <em>What now?</em></p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Attack the dragon…</p></div>") [(set: $dragonHUD to 0)(set: $returnDragon1 to 0)(goto: "Dragon 1…")] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Continue fleeing…]]</p></div> (if: $playerHealth <= 20 and $playerHealth >= 0)[<div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Give up…]]</p></div>] }{ (set: $returnStart to 1) (display: "HUD") (if: $returnWest is 0 and $playerName != "")[<p>“Farewell, <span class="capitalize">(print: $playerName)</span>. Safe travels on your adventure, my friend!”</p>] (if: $returnWest is 0 and $playerName is "")[<p>“Farewell, friend.”] (if: $returnWest is 0)[<p>The old man smiles and waves as if whatever it was that you were about to partake in is somehow preordained.</p>] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Continue walking…</p></div>")[(set: $dragonHUD to 0)(goto: "Continue walking…")] }{ (set: $setup to 0) (t8n: "pulse")[<div class="titleImg"></div>] (t8n: "pulse")[<h1>Three Dragons</h1>] <h2>A Narrative Micro-RPG</h2> <p class="byline">by <a href="http://samoff.com" target="_blank">Tim Samoff</a></p> <div class="menu"> <p class="begin">[[Embark->Setup…]]</p> <p class="about">[[About->About…]]</p> </div> <div class="footer"><p><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" href="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/InteractiveResource" property="dct:title" rel="dct:type">Three Dragons</span> by <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="http://samoff.com" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Tim Samoff</a> is licensed under a<br><a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.<br>Based on a work at <a xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" href="http://samoff.com/twine/threeDragons" rel="dct:source">http://samoff.com/twine/threeDragons</a>.</p> <hr class="footerHR"> <p class="rate"><strong>Like this game? Please <a href="http://ifdb.tads.org/viewgame?id=xsx4lchmr3regz2" target="_blank">rate it</a> at IFDB!</strong></p> </div> }{ (set: $about to 1) <h3>About this game…</h3> <p><em>Three Dragons</em>, based on a European folktale about two brothers and an old man with a white beard, was a personal game design challenge by <a href="http://samoff.com" target="_blank">Tim Samoff</a>.</p> <p>During April 2015, Tim thought it would be fun to attempt to create a “micro” Role-Playing Game (RPG) in the interactive narrative development platform <a href="http://twinery.org" target="_blank">Twine</a>. The idea was that a small game, containing a myriad of player choices and consequences, could be created within the arbitrary number of eight passages (“passages” being the primary method for creating games in Twine).</p> <p>During development game grew into a slightly larger, but still quite minimal experience with a real-time battle mechanic and a distinct moral message.</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Read the original folktale…</p></div>") [<h3>“The Two Brothers and the White-Bearded Old Man” (European Folktale)</h3> <p>Once upon a time there were two brothers. They decided to venture from town to town and from village to village to seek happiness. Along the way they saw an old man with white beard heading towards them.</p> <p>The old man stopped and asked the boys where they were headed. When he found out he told them:</p> <p>“I want to help you.” He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a handful of gold coins. “Which one of you wants these?” he asked.</p> <p>“I want them!” replied the big brother immediately. The old man hand in his other pocket and pulled out a precious gem, shining like the sun, and asked again:</p> <p>“Which one of you wants to have this gem?”</p> <p>“I want it,” answered the big brother hastily. And the old man gave him the gem. Then the old man put down the heavy sack that he was carrying on his back and said:</p> <p>“Now who is going to help me carry this sack to the village?”</p> <p>The big brother looked away and said nothing. But, the little brother pulled up his sleeves and bent down to help him. The old man smiled and said:</p> <p>“Take it with you, my boy, along with everything that is inside.”</p> <p>“No it’s not mine,” said the little brother.</p> <p>“Take it, take it," said the old man happily. “It’s my gift to you!”</p> <p>The little brother opened the sack. And what did he see? The bag was filled with precious gemstones. He stood up to thank the old man, but the old man was nowhere to be found.</p> ] <div class='choiceWrapper'><p class="choice">[[Play the game!->Title]]</p></div> }{ (set: $returnWest to 1) (set: $attackVariant to (random: 0, 6)) (set: $defenceVariant to (random: 0, 6)) (set: $swing to (a: "Jab","Swing","Flail","Lunge","Lash","Strike","Shake")) (set: $block to (a: "Defend yourself!","Block the dragon’s attack!","Dodge the dragon’s attack!","Evade the dragon’s attack!","Jump!","Strafe!","Duck!")) (display: "HUD") <h3>Look out!</h3> <p>Suddenly, before you even have a chance to take another step on the dry, dusty road, you look up to find a snarling green dragon, twice your size, swooping down from the sky, blocking out the sunlight. The dragon spreads its wings wide as it lands in front of you, letting a deep growl and bit of smoke seep from its nostrils.</p> <p><em>Where did that come from</em>, you think to yourself.</p> <p>The dragon notices you right away and lunges. You have to think fast. What do you do?</p> <h3>Fight or flee?</h3> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>(print: $swing[$attackVariant]) your (print: $weapon) at the dragon!</li></ul>")[(set: $dragonHUD to 1)(put: 0 into $battle)(put: 0 into $returnDragon1)(goto: "Dragon 1…")]</p></div> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>(print: $block[$defenceVariant])</p></div>")[(set: $dragonHUD to 1)(put: 0 into $battle)(put: 1 into $returnDragon1)(goto: "Dragon 1…")] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Retreat!</p></div>")[(set: $dragonHUD to 2)(goto: "Retreat…")] }{ (set: $name to 1) (set: $whatName to (random: 0, 3)) (set: $eh to (a: "What’s that? I didn’t hear you.","Tell me your name!","You do have a name, don’t you?","What now?")) (if: $returnWeapon is 0)[(set: $playerName to (prompt:"What is your name?"))(if: $playerName is "")[(set: $playerName to (prompt:"Eh? What was that?"))](if: $playerName is "")[(set: $playerName to (prompt:$eh[$whatName]))]] (set: $greeting to (random: 0, 9)) (set: $hi to (a: "Hello","Good day","I bid thee welcome","Hail","Ahoy","Salutations","Good morrow","Bonjour","Ho","Greetings")) <h3>(print: $hi[$greeting])!</h3> (if: $playerName is "") [ <p>“No matter. You do not have to tell me your name. (print: $hi[$greeting]), anyway.” The old man’s countenance suddenly changes. “Actually, you are just the person I have been waiting for!”</p> ](else:) [ <p>“(print: $hi[$greeting]), (print: "<span class='capitalize'>$playerName</span>")!” Despite his thick accent, the old man pronounces your name perfectly. His countenance has changed dramatically upon hearing your voice and states exuberantly, “You are just the person I have been waiting for!”</p> ] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Take notice…</p></div>") [ <p>You hesitate, surprised by the old man’s enthusiasm…and the fact that he seems to have been waiting for you.</p> <p><em>Does this old man think he knows me?</em> you think as you stare in disbelief. <em>He must be touched.</em></p> <p>The old man smiles at your reaction and then drops back into a whisper, “I am in need of some assistance, my friend. Care to help an old man out?”</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Continue listening…</p></div>") [(goto: "Continue listening…")] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Walk away…</p></div>")[(set: $noHelp to 2)(goto: "Do not help…")] ] }{ (set: $listen to 1) <h3>The old man carries on…</h3> <p>“My poor mule and I are being tormented by some…locals.” The old man hesitates as if he is a loss for words. “Seems to me like someone young and strong like you might be able to convince them to stop pestering me.”</p> <p>Not being the sort of person to meddle in other people’s affairs, you begin to shake your head.</p> <p>In response, the old man places his hand on your shoulder and continues, “It won’t take much of your time. And I have some things that may help in this little adventure. Please, could you help me out?”</p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Offer to help…->Help…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Rob the old man…->Rob…]]</p></div> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Walk away…</p></div>")[(set: $noHelp to 3)(goto: "Do not help…")] }{ (set: $something to "something") <h3>You turn away from the old man…</h3> (if: $noHelp is 1) [ <p>As you take your first step away from the old man, he rushes toward you — more quickly than you expected — and grabs your arm…</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Acknowledge the man…</p></div>") [<p><em>Who is this man?</em> you think to yourself.</p> <p>Before you can speak, though, his lips part and he whispers, <span class="textLink">“[[What is your name?->Name…]]”</span></p>] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Walk away…</p></div>")[(set: $noHelp to 4)(goto: "Do not help…")] ] (elseif: $noHelp is 2) [ <p>Sullenly, the old man looks down at the ground and whispers in a tone that is almost inaudible, “Please…”</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Acknowledge the man…</p></div>") [<p><em>What does this man want from me?</em></p> <p>The old man whispers again, <span class="textLink">“Please, [[listen->Continue listening…]].”</span></p>] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Walk away…</p></div>")[(set: $noHelp to 4)(goto: "Do not help…")] ] (elseif: $noHelp is 3) [ <p>The old man drops his head and begins to cry softly.</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Acknowledge the man…</p></div>") [<p><em>This is quite embarrassing.</em></p> <p>The old man blathers, his tears disintegrating as soon as they hit the dusty road. “Help me,” is the only intelligible thing he can muster.</p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Offer to help…->Help…]]</p></div>] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Walk away…</p></div>")[(set: $noHelp to 4)(goto: "Do not help…")] ] (elseif: $noHelp is 4) [ <p>“Unwise!” The old man says in an exasperated tone.</p> <p>You look back toward the old man.</p> <p>“You should not ignore your elders you know,” he continues, spitting in the dirt at his feet and then shaking his head in disgust.</p> <p>You turn away from the old man’s ranting and take a step.</p> <p>As you look up towards the sky, something huge and black blocks the sunlight and descends upon you. Before you have a chance to respond, pain rips through your body. In a vain attempt to look for help, you turn your head in the direction of the old man — but he is no longer there.</p> <p><em>The End.</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Begin again…->Title]]</p></div> ] }{ (set: $rob to 1) <h3>Greed overcomes you…</h3> <p>“No!” The old man says as he kneels down on the dusty ground defeated. “It is all I have in the world!”</p> <p>You look at the old man in disgust and fill your arms with an array of old, rusty weapons and armor.</p> <p>“Please...” the old man continues. “You do not know what you are doing.”</p> <p>As you turn to run away, you look up towards the sky. Something huge and black blocks out the sunlight and descends upon you. Your arms are so full of stolen goods that you cannot run. Suddenly, pain rips through your body. In a vain attempt to look for help, you turn your head in the direction of the old man — but he is no longer there.</p> <p><em>The End.</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Begin again…->Title]]</p></div> }{ (set: $retreat to 1) (set: $battle to 0) (display: "HUD") <h3>Retreating…</h3> <p>You move to the (print: $otherDirection), away from the dragon. The dragon does not move any closer, but roars loudly, awaiting your next move.</p> (if: $playerHealth <= 80 and $playerHealth >= 20) [ (live: 3s) [ (set: $playerHealth to $playerHealth + 10)<p>After resting for a brief time, you feel slightly better.</p> (if: $playerHealth > 80)[(set: $playerHealth to 90)] ] ](elseif: $playerHealth <= 19 and $playerHealth >= 0) [ <p><em>What am I going to do?</em> Breathing hard, you bend down and place your hands on your knees. A drop of blood falls from your head as if in slow motion, splashing in the dust under your feet.</p> (live: 3s) [ <p>Resting does not seem to help…</p> ] ](else:) [ (if: $playerName != "")[<p>“What now, (print: "<span class='capitalize'>$playerName</span>")?” You are surprised to hear yourself speaking your own name out loud.</p>] (if: $playerName is "")[<p>“What now?” You are surprised to hear yourself speaking out loud.</p>] ] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Attack the dragon…</p></div>") [(set: $dragonHUD to 0)(set: $returnDragon1 to 0)(goto: "Dragon 1…")] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Retreat further to the (print: $otherDirection)…->Further away…]]</p></div> (if: $playerHealth <= 19 and $playerHealth >= 0)[<div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Give up…]]</p></div>] }{ (set: $giveUp to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>This is it…</h3> <p>In utter defeat, you drop to your knees with a thud. You are more concerned about your failure than any of the mortal wounds that cover your aching body.</p> <p>Before you see it, you hear the dragon breathing deeply as it approaches you slowly. <em>Why has it not attacked me?</em> you ask yourself.</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Look up…</p></div>") [<p>You muster the remaining ounce of courage that you have to look up, grimacing at the pain in your damaged neck. From the corner of your eye you witness the dragon rising up on its hind legs.</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Accept your fate…</p></div>")[(set: $dragonHUD to 2)(goto: "Silence…")]] }{ (set: $help to 1) <h3>A promise to help…</h3> <p>“Good, good!” The man suddenly becomes very excited. “In order to begin your adventure you must choose a weapon…for a price…” He reaches into his wagon and removes a blanket that was covering some old, rusty weapons and armor.</p> <p><em>Wait, what? For a price?</em> you ask yourself. <em>Adventure? What have I just offered to do for this old loon?</em></p> <p>But the offer is on the table…</p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Choose a weapon…->Choose weapon…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $laughter to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>The old man returns…</h3> <p>You turn around and find the old man standing with his mule-driven wagon laughing at you, nodding his head excitedly.</p> <p>“I knew you could help me,” he chortles. “I just knew it!”</p> <p>“But where were you?” you ask as you slowly approach the old man. Your body hurts so badly that you take each step gingerly, trying not to trip and fall.</p> (if: $playerName != "")[<p>“Never you mind, good (print: "<span class='capitalize'>$playerName</span>"),” the old man responds. “What we should to do now is get you fixed up…for a price…” A corner of the old man’s lips curl into a smile and he winks.</p>] (if: $playerName is "")[<p>“Never you mind, friend,” the old man responds. “I might have something that can help you…for a price…” A corner of the old man’s lips curl into a smile and he winks.</p>] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Listening is good rest…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $noHelp to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>Escape?</h3> <p>As you attempt to run from the laughter, the dragon swoops back down before you, blocking your way. Its energy appears to be almost completely restored. Before you have a chance to respond, blazing fire once again surrounds you. This time the only deliverance is death.</p> <p><em>The End.</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Begin again…->Title]]</p></div> }{ (set: $pickUpCoin to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>Bending down…</h3> <p>Your body hurts so badly that you almost cannot retrieve the gold coin.</p> <p>As you stand, the ringing in your ears subsides and you hear raspy laughing from behind you.</p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Turn towards laughter…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Run away…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $silence to 1) (set: $battle to 0) (set: $returnDragon1 to 2) (display: "HUD") <h3>Silence…</h3> <p>Just as your confrontation with the dragon is going culminate with your demise, the dragon just…stops. Lowering its head, looking directly into your eyes, the dragon opens its mouth wide and releases a roar so loud the sound combined with the dragon’s foul breath pushes you back a step. Your ears ring in pain.</p> <p>Swiftly, the dragon spreads its wings and shoots into the air. It is already far off in the distance when you regain your wits.</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Look down…</p></div>") [<p>As you stagger in a pool of your own blood, you look down and see a shiny gold coin.</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Pick up gold coin…</p></div>")[(set: $gold to 1)(goto: "Pick up coin…")] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Leave gold coin…]]</p></div>] }{ (set: $mercy to 1) (set: $battle to 0) (display: "HUD") <h3>The dragon teeters, nearly dead…</h3> <p>As you ready yourself to deal your final, deathly blow, a twinge of pity for the dying beast enters your heart. <em>How did I get here?</em> you ask yourself.</p> <p>The dragon peer into your eyes, seeming to know what is coming next.</p> <p>The day’s events roll over in your tired mind.<em>What now?</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Kill the dragon…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Show mercy…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $pickUpCoin to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>No use for gold…</h3> <p>At this point, you are uncertain that you can even continue. “No use for gold if I am dead,” you whisper.</p> <p>While pondering death, the ringing in your ears subsides and you hear raspy laughing from behind you.</p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Turn towards laughter…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Run away…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $goodRest to 1) (set: $noCoins to 0) (set: $playerHealth to $playerHealth + 20) (display: "HUD") <h3>For a price…</h3> <p>As you watch the old man, you begin to feel some of your strength return.</p> <p>Then, out of a hidden pocket in his dirty, brown cloak, the old man pulls out a small, gleaming glass bottle containing a sparkling blue liquid. It appears as if the liquid is somehow emitting it’s own light.</p> <p>“This elixir,” the old man continues, “has been said to grant new life.” He holds the bottle up to the sky and peers through its contents. “And I will part with it for only ten silver coins!”</p> (if: $silver <= 9 and $gold < 1) [ <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[I do not possess ten silver coins…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Refuse elixir…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Steal elixir…]]</p></div> ] (if: $silver > 9 and $gold < 1) [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Purchase elixir…</p></div>")[(set: $silver to $silver - 10)(goto: "Elixir…")] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Refuse elixir…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Steal elixir…]]</p></div> ] (if: $silver > 9 and $gold >= 1) [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Purchase elixir…</p></div>")[(set: $silver to $silver - 10)(goto: "Elixir…")] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Refuse elixir…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Steal elixir…]]</p></div> ] (if: $silver <= 9 and $gold >= 1) [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Offer gold coin…</p></div>")[(goto: "Use gold…")] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Refuse elixir…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Steal elixir…]]</p></div> ] }{ (set: $stealElixir to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>Greed overcomes you…</h3> <p>Prompted by the urge to stay alive, you use your last ounce of energy to grab the elixir from the old man’s hands.</p> <p>“No!” The old man screams.</p> <p>You look at the old man in disgust guzzle the contents of the glass bottle.</p> <p>“You do not know what you are doing,” says the old man. “That elixir was not made for human consumption…”</p> <p>You notice the old man staring at you wide eyed. <em>Not for human consumption?</em> you think… <p>It is one of your last few thoughts, as the inside of your body erupts in fiery heat. You drop the bottle and it shatters on the ground as you fall to your knees and then to your face. You look up to find the old man — but he is no longer there.</p> <p><em>The End.</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Begin again…->Title]]</p></div> }{ (set: $elixir to 0) (display: "HUD") <h3>Unwise…</h3> (if: $playerName != "")[<p>“I must insist, friend.” The old man moves uncomfortably close to you as he continues in a whisper, “This elixir is the only thing that I have to offer you for your help to me. Take my advice, (print: "<span class='capitalize'>$playerName</span>"). Refusing this bottle would be unwise.”</p>] (if: $playerName is "")[<p>“I must insist, friend.” The old man moves uncomfortably close to you as he continues in a whisper, “This elixir is the only thing that I have to offer you for your help to me. Take my advice. Refusing this bottle would be unwise.”</p>] (if: $noCoins to 0) [ (if: $silver <= 9 and $gold <= 1) [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>I do not possess ten silver coins…</p></div>") [ <p>“But I cannot pay…” Before you can finish, the old man cuts you off.</p> <p>“As I said, friend, just take the elixir. It is my gift to you.”</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Take elixir…</p></div>")[(goto: "Elixir…")] ] ] (if: $silver is 10) [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Purchase elixir…</p></div>")[(set: $silver to $silver - 10)(goto: "Elixir…")] ] (if: $silver <= 9 and $gold >= 1) [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Offer gold coin…</p></div>")[(goto: "Use gold…")] ] ](else:) [ <p>“But I cannot pay…” Before you can finish, the old man cuts you off.</p> <p>“As I said, friend, just take the elixir. It is my gift to you.”</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Take elixir…</p></div>")[(goto: "Elixir…")] ] }{ (set: $useGold to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>Gold for silver?</h3> <p>“Would you take this gold coin rather than five silver coins?” you ask the old man?</p> <p>The old man just shrugs and returns, “Of course, my friend. After all, you are helping me a great deal today.”</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Purchase elixir…</p></div>")[(set: $silver to $gold - 1)(goto: "Elixir…")] }{ (set: $elixir to 1) (set: $moveCloser to 0) (display: "HUD") <h3>The elixir…</h3> (if: $playerName != "")[<p>“Use that wisely, (print: "<span class='capitalize'>$playerName</span>"),” continues the old man. “Who can tell when these things are really necessary?”</p>] (if: $playerName is "")[<p>“Use that wisely, friend,” continues the old man. “Who can tell when these things are really necessary?”</p>] <p>You look at the old man perplexed, wondering again if he is insane.</p> <p>But the old man just rambles on. “The (print: $direction) is clear now, thanks to you! I think it is high time that you went to see what is happening in the (print: $otherDirection).</p> <h3>What next?</h3> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Head (print: $otherDirection)…->Another quest…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Drink elixir…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $killDragon to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>No mercy!</h3> <p>With every ounce of strength that you have left, you lift your (print: $weapon) and prepare to deliver a final blow to the defeated, sniveling beast.</p> <p>But in an instant, before you can react, the dragon lifts its head and unleashes a blazing flow of flames that completely engulfs you. This time the only deliverance is death.</p> <p><em>The End.</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Begin again…->Title]]</p></div> }{ (set: $mercy to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>Not a killer…</h3> <p>With every ounce of strength that you have left, you lift your (print: $weapon) and prepare to deliver a final blow to the defeated, sniveling beast.</p> <p>But in an instant, your heart feels remorse for what is about to happen. In response, you lower (print: $weapon) and drop to your knees.</p> <p>As the dragon looks at you, its eyes suddenly change. You are frightened at first, as you realize that the dragon is not as bad off as you thought. But as you kneel, trembling, you see a hint of kindness in the red eyes that are looking in your direction.</p> <p>Then, the dragon lifts its body up in a quick, single motion, spreading its wings wide. It bends down low to gather strength, releases a ear shattering screech, and darts into the air leaving you far behind. Still on your knees, you watch as the dragon flies off into the distance.</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Look down…</p></div>") [<p>In awe, you lower your head to look at where the dragon used to be, bleeding, awaiting your final attack. The dragon’s weight created a crater in the earth, and in the center of the crater lies a shiny gold coin.</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Pick up gold coin…</p></div>")[(set: $gold to 1)(goto: "Pick up coin…")] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Leave gold coin…]]</p></div>] }{ (set: $continueFleeing to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>Run!</h3> <p>With every ounce of strength that you have left, you run further (print: $otherDirection).</p> <p>As you amble down the path, you wonder if you will see the old man again. “I have failed,” you pant out loud.</p> <p>Just then, the dragon swoops back down before you, blocking your way. Its energy appears to be almost completely restored. Before you have a chance to respond, blazing fire once again surrounds you. This time the only deliverance is death.</p> <p><em>The End.</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Begin again…->Title]]</p></div> }{ (set: $dragonAttackType to (a: "The dragon strikes.","The dragon brandishes its claws.","The dragon lunges.","The dragon lifts it claws and clenches them into fists, bringing them down hard.","The dragon bends down and surges forward.","The dragon turns, swinging its massive tail.","The dragon moves toward you, quick and low.","The dragon stabs at you with its claws.","The dragon lifts its body high on its hind legs, spreading its wings. It comes down hard.","The dragon unleashes a breath of scorching fire.","The dragon feints right and then attacks on the left.","The dragon strikes.","The dragon brandishes its claws.","The dragon lunges.","The dragon lifts it claws and clenches them into fists, bringing them down hard.","The dragon bends down and surges forward.","The dragon turns, swinging its massive tail.","The dragon moves toward you, quick and low.","The dragon stabs at you with its claws.","The dragon lifts its body high on its hind legs, spreading its wings. It comes down hard.","The dragon unleashes a breath of scorching fire.","The dragon feints right and then attacks on the left.")) (set: $playerAttackType to "You <span class='lowercase'>(print: $swing[$attackVariant])</span> your (print: $weapon).") (set: $block to (a: "Defend yourself!","Block the dragon’s attack!","Dodge the dragon’s attack!","Evade the dragon’s attack!","Feint!","Strafe!","Duck!")) (set: $hesitate to (a: "You hesitate for too long!","You fail to move!","The dragon comes back quickly!","You are not fast enough!","You move too slowly!","You do not react soon enough!","The dragon is faster than you are!")) (if: $pA < 6 and $pA > 0) [ (set: $attackResponseType to (a: "The dragon comes back strong, smoke and flames building inside it's mouth.","The dragon backs off, but is unfazed.","Your futile attempts only anger the dragon more.")) ](elseif: $pA < 9 and $pA > 5) [ (set: $attackResponseType to (a: "The dragon recovers quickly and is ready to strike again.","The dragon breathes deeply, its smoke trailing from its nostrils and back in through its open mouth.","You draw blood, but it is only a flesh wound.")) ](elseif: $pA < 12 and $pA > 8) [ (set: $attackResponseType to (a: "The dragon takes an enormous breath and angrily releases hot flames everywhere.","Stunned, the dragon reels back, preparing it’s next line of attack.","The dragon was not ready for that blow.")) ](elseif: $pA < 15 and $pA > 11) [ (set: $attackResponseType to (a: "The dragon staggers back, surprised by your lucky jab.","The dragon winces, almost humanlike.","Green blood dribbles from the corners of the dragon’s mouth.")) ](elseif: $pA is 15) [ (set: $attackResponseType to (a: "Startled by your blow, the dragon shakes it’s head, green blood flying to the left and right. You cannot stop a proud smile from spreading across your face.","The dragon screams loudly, shrinking back in fear.","The dragon looks down quickly at the deep wound in its belly and roars in anger.")) ](else:) [ (set: $attackResponseType to (a: "The dragon barely notices your attack.","Nonplussed by your attempts, the dragon’s roar almost sounds like laughing.","The dragon wraps it’s body in its huge wings, blocking all attacks.")) ] (if: $dA < 6 and $pA > 0) [ (set: $defenceResponseType to (a: "It pushes you back hard, but you remain on your feet.","You block, only partially avoiding the onslaught.","It screams in disgust as its attack barely causes damage.")) ](elseif: $dA < 9 and $pA > 5) [ (set: $defenceResponseType to (a: "It connects, sending you to your knees.","You cannot believe how you are surviving.","You cover yourself from the attack, but it is of no use.")) ](elseif: $pA < 12 and $pA > 8) [ (set: $defenceResponseType to (a: "It wracks your whole frame, sending you back in pain.","The connection ruins your body.","Then, unexpectedly, it bends low and scoops you up like a toy. It throws you to a heap on the ground. The thud vibrates through your bones.")) ](elseif: $pA < 15 and $pA > 11) [ (set: $defenceResponseType to (a: "Your exposed skin bursts open, blood spurting in all directions.","Pain floods deeply into your flesh.","Your eyes sting from all of the sweat and blood. Your legs wobble, barely holding out.")) ](elseif: $pA is 15) [ (set: $defenceResponseType to (a: "Blood and sweat poor from your decimated carcass.","Your bones shiver and shake, your body threatening to shut down.","It results in an unbearable wallop that sends you rolling head over heels.")) ](else:) [ (set: $defenceResponseType to (a: "It misses, sending a gust of strong, putrid wind your way.","Nothing connects. In frustration, the dragon flaps its gigantic wings, lifting its enormous body into the air. It roars loudly and then lands with a thud, filling the air with dust.","When it sees you still standing, the dragon growls softly, narrowing its eye slits as if pondering you as a worthy foe.")) ] (if: $returnDragon1 is 0 and $battle is 0) [ (replace: ?realTime) [ (set: $defenceVariant to (random: 0, 6)) (set: $playerDice to (random: 0, $playerAttack)) (set: $attackResponseDice to (random: 0, 2)) (if: $playerDice > 0) [ (set: $pA to $playerDice) (set: $dragon1Health to $dragon1Health - $pA) ] (else:) [ (set: $pA to 0) ] (display: "HUD") <h3>Fight!</h3> <p>(print: $playerAttackType) (print: $attackResponseType[$attackResponseDice])</p> <h3>What next?</h3> (if: $dragon1Health >= 10 and $playerHealth <= 10) [ (set: $dragonHUD to 2) (goto: "Silence…") ] (else:) [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice puff'>(print: $block[$defenceVariant])</p></div>")[(set: $dragonHUD to 1)(put: 1 into $returnDragon1)(put: 0 into $battle)(goto: "Dragon 1…")] (put: 1 into $battle) ] ] ] (elseif: $returnDragon1 is 1 and $battle is 0) [ (replace: ?realTime) [ (set: $attackVariant to (random: 0, 6)) (set: $dragonDice to (random: 0, $playerDefend)) (set: $defenceResponseDice to (random: 0, 2)) (if: $dragonDice > 0) [ (set: $dA to $dragon1Attack + $dragonDice) (set: $playerHealth to $playerHealth - $dA) ] (else:) [ (set: $dA to 0) ] (display: "HUD") <h3>Fight!</h3> <p>(print: $dragonAttackType[$dragonDice]) (print: $defenceResponseType[$defenceResponseDice])</p> <h3>What next?</h3> (if: $playerHealth >= 10 and $dragon1Health <= 10) [ (goto: "Important question…") ] (else:) [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice puff'>(print: $swing[$attackVariant]) your (print: $weapon) at the dragon!</p></div>")[(set: $dragonHUD to 1)(put: 0 into $returnDragon1)(put: 0 into $battle)(goto: "Dragon 1…")] (put: 1 into $battle) ] ] ] (else:) [ (replace: ?realTime) [ (set: $attackVariant to (random: 0, 6)) (set: $dragonDice to (random: 0, $playerDefend)) (set: $defenceResponseDice to (random: 0, 2)) (set: $hesitateVariant to (random: 0, 6)) (if: $dragonDice > 0) [ (set: $dA to $dragon1Attack + $dragonDice) (set: $playerHealth to $playerHealth - $dA) ] (else:) [ (set: $dA to 0) ] (display: "HUD") <h3>Fight!</h3> <p>(print: $hesitate[$hesitateVariant])</p> <p>(print: $dragonAttackType[$dragonDice]) (print: $defenceResponseType[$defenceResponseDice])</p> <h3>What next?</h3> (if: $playerHealth >= 10 and $dragon1Health <= 10) [ (set: $dragonHUD to 2) (goto: "Important question…") ] (else:) [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice puff'>(print: $swing[$attackVariant]) your (print: $weapon) at the dragon!</p></div>")[(set: $dragonHUD to 1)(put: 0 into $returnDragon1)(put: 0 into $battle)(goto: "Dragon 1…")] (put: 1 into $battle) ] ] ] }{ |realTime>[(display: "Real-time…")] (live: 5s)[(display: "Real-time…")] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Retreat!</p></div>") [(set: $dragonHUD to 2)(goto: "Retreat…")] }{ (if: $elixir is 1) [ (live: 3s)[(set: $elixir to 0)(set: $playerHealth to 100)(goto: "Drink elixir…")] ](else:) [ (stop:) ] (display: "HUD") <h3>Life-giving…</h3> (if: $moveCloser is 0) [ <p>You look at the old man and shrug. You feel worn out and could use a drink, regardless of whether or not it will actually help you. Opening the glass bottle, you lift it to your lips and guzzle the contents.</p> <p>Nothing happens.</p> <p>“Just wait,” The old man states. He is watching you without expression.</p> <p>Just then, you feel warmth begin to fill your veins. You look down at your hands, once scraped and bleeding, now smooth and clean. Your clothing is still tattered from the recent battle, but overall you feel better than ever.</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Head (print: $otherDirection)…</p></div>")[(set: $elixir to 0)(set: $playerHealth to 100)(goto: "Another quest…")] ] (else:) [ <p>Before continuing, you remember the old man’s elixir. <em>Maybe now is the time?</em> you ask yourself. Opening the glass bottle, you lift it to your lips and guzzle the contents.</p> <p>Nothing happens.</p> <p>You look at the empty bottle and consider the old man’s sanity once more.</p> <p>Just then, you feel warmth begin to fill your veins. You look down at your hands, once scraped and bleeding, now smooth and clean. Your clothing is still tattered from the recent battle, but overall you feel better than ever.</p> (if: $dragon2 is 1) [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Look again…</p></div>")[(set: $elixir to 0)(set: $playerHealth to 100)(set: $dragon2 to 1)(goto: "Dragon 2…")] ](else:) [ (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Continue investigating…</p></div>")[(set: $elixir to 0)(set: $playerHealth to 100)(set: $dragon2 to 1)(goto: "Dragon 2…")] ] (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Turn back…</p></div>")[(set: $elixir to 0)(set: $playerHealth to 100)(goto: "Turn back…")] ] }{ (set: $inTheRoad to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>No surprise...</h3> <p>As you walk down the dusty trail, the sun blinds your eyes. As you squint through the brightness and the sweat, you see something off in the distance. You know that it is huge, but all you can see is that it is black in color and laying still across the path in front of you.</p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Move closer…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Turn back…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $turnBack to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>No more…</h3> (if: $moveCloser is 0) [ <p>Despite your earlier motivation, your body gives way to a new flood of pain and exhaustion. Unable to face any additional threats on this day, you turn around and begin walking back to the ($direction).</p> <p>“I am a failure,” you mutter aloud.</p> ](else:) [ <p>Your nerves finally get the best of you. Unable to face any additional threats on this day, you turn around and begin sneaking back to the ($direction).</p> <p><em>I am a failure</em> you think to yourself.</p> ] <p>Suddenly, directly in front of you, the dragon that you had so recently tangled with swoops down from the heavens and blocks your way. Unlike yours, its energy appears to be almost completely restored. Before you have a chance to respond, blazing fire once again surrounds you. This time the only deliverance is death.</p> <p><em>The End.</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Begin again…->Title]]</p></div> }{ (set: $moveCloser to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>Another dragon?</h3> <p>Moving closer to the heap laying across the path, you can’t believe your eyes. It is another dragon!</p> <p>“No!” you say out loud before you realize that your voice will alert the dragon. But the beast does not move.</p> <p>Having come this far, and seeing that the dark, black dragon appears to be immobile, you edge closer. Making your way around the beast’s carcass, you realize that it is much larger than the first dragon that you grappled with. You do not even care to consider how quickly a fight with this one would have resulted in your demise.</p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Continue investigating…->Dragon 2…]]</p></div> (if: $elixir is 1) [ (set: $drinkElixir to 0) <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Drink elixir…]]</p></div> ] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Turn back…]]</p></div> }{ (display: "HUD") (if: $dragon2 is 0) [ (set: $dragon2 to 1) <h3>Still alive…</h3> <p>Making your way around the dragon’s head (its forehead nearly high as your waist), you stop, realizing that it is still breathing.</p> <p><em>Is it just sleeping?</em> you think.</p> <p>Then you notice that the dragon looks worse than you do, oozing gashes covering its neck and face; green blood dripping from both closed eyes.</p> <p>You are startled by the dragon as it opens its eyes and moves its head toward you. It moans deeply, but softly. You can tell that it has given up; that it was waiting to die. Still, its sheer size and apparent strength are menacing, causing you to shiver where you stand.</p> <p><em>It would be easy,</em> you think to yourself, <em>to just end this beast’s life.</em> You look down at the motionless beast once more. <em>In fact, what other choice is there?</em> you ask yourself.</p> (if: $elixir is 1) [ <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Kill the dragon…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Drink elixir…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Turn back…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Consider other options…]]</p></div> ] (if: $elixir is 0) [ <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Kill the dragon…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Turn back…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Consider other options…]]</p></div> ] ](else:) [ <h3>Too late…</h3> <p>As you turn to view the dying beast once more, you ponder killing the dragon again. <em>Maybe I am supposed to end this beast’s suffering,</em> you think to yourself. <em>Could there be any other way? Is there something I could do to help it?</em></p> <p>But before you come to a conclusion, the dragon lifts its head again and looks your way. In an instant, before you can react, the dragon unleashes a blazing flow of flames that completely engulfs you. This time the only deliverance is death.</p> <p><em>The End.</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Begin again…->Title]]</p></div> ] }{ (set: $anotherQuest to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>Another quest...</h3> <p>As you walk down the dusty trail, the sun blinds your eyes. As you squint through the brightness and the sweat, you see something off in the distance. You know that it is huge, but all you can see is that it is black in color and laying still across the path in front of you.</p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Move closer…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Turn back…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $otherOptions to 1) (display: "HUD") (if: $elixir is 1) [ <h3>Benevolence?</h3> <p>Your mind is blank as you stand staring at the suffering dragon. Its moans continue softly as it lowers its head and closes its eyes again.</p> <p>You ponder killing the dragon again. <em>Maybe I am supposed to end this beast’s suffering,</em> you think to yourself. <em>Could there be any other way? Is there something I could do to help it?</em></p> <p>Then, a thought strikes you. <em>Yes, I could end it’s suffering,</em> you continue to mull over the options, <em>or, maybe the old man’s elixir…</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Kill the dragon…]]</p></div> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Give elixir to dragon…]]</p></div> ](else:) [ <h3>Too late…</h3> <p>Your mind is blank as you stand staring at the suffering dragon. Its moans continue softly as it lowers its head and closes its eyes again.</p> <p>You ponder killing the dragon again. <em>Maybe I am supposed to end this beast’s suffering,</em> you think to yourself. <em>Could there be any other way? Is there something I could do to help it?</em></p> <p>But before you come to a conclusion, the dragon lifts its head again and looks your way. In an instant, before you can react, the dragon unleashes a blazing flow of flames that completely engulfs you. This time the only deliverance is death.</p> <p><em>The End.</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Begin again…->Title]]</p></div> ] }{ (set: $giveElixir to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>A fit of bravery…</h3> <p>In a bold move, you bend down toward the dragon, your joints still aching from the last battle.</p> <p>Retrieving the glass bottle from your pocket, you notice again how luminescent the blue liquid contained within is. You uncork the bottle and slowly move it towards the dragon’s mouth. Tilting the bottle’s opening into an open slot between the dragon’s gigantic, razor sharp teeth, you drain the liquid.</p> <p>Nothing happens.</p> <p>“Wonderful,” you say out loud, “my only chance of recovery wasted on this dead beast.”</p> <p>But just as you lose hope, the dragon lifts its head again. In an instant, the dragon is staring at you eye to eye. You freeze, unable to comprehend what might happen next.</p> <p>Immediately, just as with the smaller dragon before, this dragon stands, wings spread, unleashing a screech that fills the entire heavens. And it is airborne, far from the ground already. It swoops and twirls in the air, the elixir having done its job.</p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Continue watching…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $continueWatching to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>A new surprise…</h3> <p>You peer into the air, trying to keep the acrobatic dragon in view. All of a sudden, it changes direction and dives toward the ground behind you.</p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Turn around…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $dragonsFly to 1) <h3>A change…</h3> <p>Before you fully understand what is going on — and before you can ask any questions — the most startling event occurs right before your eyes. As the two dragons spread their wings, preparing to fly again, the old man grows and changes, metamorphosing in indescribable ways, from human into…</p> <p><em>The old man is a dragon himself!</em> You cannot believe what you are witnessing.</p> <p>The third dragon, once a scraggly, half-crazed old man, now towers above the other two dragons, his leathery skin a bright blue hue, his wings seeming to spread infinitely to the left and to the right.</p> <p>As if rehearsed, all three dragons release a burst of hot flames into the air above them and then shoot off in three different directions into the sky.</p> <p>You continue watching, dumbfounded at what is taking place.</p> <p>As you lose sight of the three dragons, you hear a noisy braying in front of you. Where the three dragons used to stand, now stood the old man’s mule and wagon.</p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Walk to wagon…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $walkWagon to 1) (set: $playerHealth to 100) <h3>Generosity wins…</h3> <p>You walk over to the wagon, as quickly as you tired body will let you. You let the donkey sniff at your hand and give it a pat on the snout. “I wish I had something to offer you, noble steed,” you say in jest. The mule brays loudly in retort.</p> <p>Curious, you peer into the wagon. The blanket that covered the old weapons and armor was spread carefully over the back. You hesitate for a second, feeling a bit ashamed of your curiosity, and then abruptly pull the blanket aside.</p> <p>Underneath, filling the entire back of the wagon, are more precious gemstones than could ever be counted. There is also another gleaming glass bottle full of life-giving elixir.</p> <p>In response to what you have found, you burst out in uncontrollable laughter. You look up toward the sky once more, but find nothing but blue and wispy white clouds.</p> <p><em>The End.</em></p> <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[About this game…->About…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $turnAround to 1) <h3>The wager…</h3> <p>You turn around and find the old man looking in your direction, grinning widely. The next thing you know, the giant black dragon lands smoothly behind the old man. And then, a moment later, the first green dragon lands as well.</p> <p>The old man’s grin turns into a big smile and then he begins to laugh loudly.</p> <p>“Thank you, my friend!” he manages through his laughing. “My brothers have been such pains lately. They posed a wager to me about how humanity no longer possessed a capacity for generosity.”</p> <p>“Brothers?” you question between the old man’s words.</p> (if: $playerName is "") [ <p>The old man lowers his voice and continues in a grave tone, “And believe me when I tell you that humanity is quite fortunate on this day because of you, my fearless friend. Now, I owe you one more bit of gratitude…”</p> ](else:) [ <p>The old man lowers his voice and continues in a grave tone, “And believe me when I tell you that humanity is quite fortunate on this day because of you, my fearless (print: "<span class='capitalize'>$playerName</span>"). Now, I owe you one more bit of gratitude…”</p> ] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Continue listening…->Dragons fly…]]</p></div> }{ (set: $noCoins to 1) (display: "HUD") <h3>Not enough coins…</h3> <p>“I spent all of my coins on these battered, old armaments,” you state sadly to the old man. “And after fighting for you, I can barely go on.”</p> <p>Looking at your broken and pathetic form, the old man softens his posture and laughs hard. “I was only jesting, my friend!” he bellows, stamping his foot and continuing to laugh. “Here, here, take the elixir! It is the least I can do in repayment for your help.”</p> (link: "<div class='choiceWrapper'><p class='choice'>Take elixir…</p></div>")[(goto: "Elixir…")] <div class="choiceWrapper"><p class="choice">[[Refuse elixir…]]</p></div> }1.2.6